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Minister's Moment

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who participated in the listening sessions about our Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Bedrock Beliefs, and Core Values. I am very happy to say that we had more than 20 participants, not including the elders! We appreciate all of the feedback.

The elders will gather in April to discuss the feedback we received from the listening sessions and make changes/additions/corrections to the Mission, Vision, Bedrock Beliefs, and Core Values. This may take us a couple of months. Then, when the elders are finished, they will send the new statements to the board for approval before they go to the congregation for final approval.

The important thing for us all to remember is that these statements are statements of who we are as a congregation, and who we hope to become. These will be used to center us as we move forward in ministry so that we can better follow God’s call on our church. It will allow us to ask the question, “Does this ministry, project, etc. fit in with the mission of our church? Or should we reconsider how we are using our time and resources?”

Once the congregation approves the Mission, Vision, Bedrock Beliefs, and Core Values, that won’t signal the end of the work. That is just the beginning. From there, we need to pray and talk and work in our committees to see what we can do to expand the ministry of Bridgeport Christian Church and God’s love throughout the Frankfort community. These will give us the framework.

I believe we are on the brink of something new happening at Bridgeport. It will take all of us working together as we work to grow in new ways, both in our faith lives and, hopefully, in size. We are walking straight into uncharted territory, and we are going there with God on our side. So, let us hold fast to our faith and continue to strive for the kin-dom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Peace and Love,


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