A Green Chalice Congregation
We at Bridgeport Christian Church are committed to caring for God’s creation. In Psalm 24:1, we are reminded that “The Earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world and those who live in it.”
It is our belief that, as God’s people, we have a responsibility to cherish and care for all that God has created because it is holy. As Christians, it is our obligation to build an awareness of environmental and social injustices both locally and globally, and strive to overcome them.
Our “green” initiative began in 2008, when a group of individuals felt the need to convert from disposable (paper, Styrofoam, plastic) dinnerware to non-disposable. This change resulted in the formation of our “Green Team.” In November 2010, Bridgeport Christian was formally recognized by the Christian Church in Kentucky as a Green Chalice Congregation. http://www.ccinky.net/green-chalice/
Since 2008, we have implemented many changes in our practices, outreach and facilities. These include:
established a recycling program;
switched from disposable to non-disposable dinnerware;
installed programmable thermostats;
created a “Sharing Table” for reusable items;
created an environmental education area themed “Think God, Live Green” for disseminating information ranging from how to make and use natural cleansers to how our daily choices affect our neighbors on the other side of the planet;
supplied reusable grocery bags to the congregation on Earth Sunday 2010 to decrease plastic bag consumption;
supplied compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs to the congregation on Earth Sunday 2011.
provide education/outreach opportunities: 1) weekly “green tips” in the weekly bulletin for worship service; 2) monthly Green News article in The Bridge newsletter; 3) special classes like the 7-week “Just Eating?” program which focused on healthy eating while helping sustain the local and global economy; 4) Alternative Christmas Fair for gift-giving through donations to local, national and international charities and organizations;
purchase “fair trade” coffee;
participated in Lighten Up Frankfort, a community-wide carbon emissions education program aimed at reducing our carbon footprint;
contracted with Disciples Church Extension to conduct an energy audit of our building in 2010;
replaced our oldest HVAC with an energy efficient model.
replaced old fluorescent light fixtures in the fellowship halls with more energy-efficient models.
Installed motion-sensor light switches.
Converted from paper to cloth napkins.
As God’s people, we must continue to be good stewards of the earth by daily examining our practices and lifestyles and making changes that sustain God’s creation while positively affecting our neighbors. We welcome your participation in “green” activities at BCC. Green Team contact: Annette Hayden (502) 223-1165 or secretary@bridgeportchristian.org.