Youth Group
Sunday night youth groups are for all K through 12th grade youth. We have groups based on ages. We gather as a group and then break out into groups for many different activities such as music, lessons, Bible study, crafts, and games!
Contact Karen Averill & Kim Minter
Tel: 502-878-8031
Book Club
Book club meets on the last Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. We discuss the chosen book for the month.
Contact Ted Sloan
Tel: 502-878-8031
Helping Hands Circle
Helping Hands Circle is a women’s group that meets monthly, studies selected lessons, and organizes projects to support church and community needs.
Helping Hands Circle:
supports scholarships for high school seniors
purchases needed items for the church
donates to community non-profits
encourages people with their card ministry.
Contact Diane Pratt
Tel: 502-878-8031
Working through the Resource Office for Social Ministries (ROSM), our purpose is to provide assistance to those in need in our area.
Here are some of our ongoing serving opportunities:
projects with local schools
soup kitchen
backpack ministry
BCC Food Pantry
Franklin County Food Pantry
The Thomson-Hood Veterans Center
Contact Linda Wilson or Annette Hayden
Tel: 502-878-8031
Week of Compassion
When you give to Week of Compassion, you deploy resources to help people in need all around the world. Donations can be made to Week of Compassion at
Contact Linda Wilson or Annette Hayden
Tel: 502-878-8031
Green Chalice Ministry
We at BCC are committed to caring for God’s creation. It is our belief that, as God’s people, we have a responsibility to cherish and care for all that God has created because it is holy. As Christians, it is our obligation to build an awareness of environmental and social injustices both locally and globally, and strive to overcome them.
Check out our Facebook page on Tuesdays for weekly tips on how to care for God's creation.
Contact Annette Hayden
Tel: 502-878-8031