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COVID-19 Updates

 If you plan to worship in person at Bridgeport Christian Church, we urge you to make the masking decision that is appropriate for you and your family, and respect the decisions of others. 




The Regathering Committee has reviewed the most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for masking and is making the following recommendations:

  • The COVID-19 County Check, located on the CDC website, will be reviewed every Friday. This tool looks at hospital beds being used in a community, hospital admissions, and the total number of new COVID-19 cases in an area. Counties are given a low, medium or high rating depending on those numbers.

  • When Franklin County is in the “high” category, masks will be required at all church events/services.

  • When Franklin County drops to “low” or “medium” on a Friday check, masks will be optional on the following Sunday.

  • Each week’s rating will be available on the church website and Facebook on Friday, and signs will be posted at each door reminding members of the current rating.


During weeks when masks are optional, we encourage everyone to make decisions based on what is best for you and your family/loved ones. If you or a family member are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe disease, please consult a medical professional to see if you should continue to take the added precaution of wearing a mask. Some of us will continue to wear masks regardless of the community rating, and we ask that everyone respect those decisions. During weeks when masks are not required, we recommend that everyone continue to observe precautions such as social distancing to avoid unnecessary exposure.


In addition, during church events where food is available, we recommend that those involved in serving continue to wear a mask regardless of the week’s community rating.


Hymnals and Bibles have been returned to the pews. As a group, we recommend a gradual return to “normal” and appreciate your cooperation and assistance.



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